You create an information window for a grid in a MicroStrategy document. You expect the info window to pop up when you click on an item in the grid, and it does. Hooray! Job well done, let’s go home.
But wait, what’s this? Every time you use a selector that targets the grid, the information window pops up. Damn you, MicroStrategy! That’s not what I wanted!
I feel your pain. And I’m here to help.
Get ready to go deep… I’m talking multiple layers deep.
The info window pop up method trigger seems to depend upon its relative position in the document structure hierarchy when targeted (directly or indirectly) by a selector. We need to place all non-info window objects relatively higher in the document structure hierarchy, and conversely place all info window objects relatively deeper or lower in the hierarchy. How do we do that?
Each information window panel stack should only contain the contents you want to pop up. If your grid is in the information window panel stack, get that ____ outta there! Move all objects other than the info window panel stack to a higher-level panel stack.
Your selector should not target the info window panel stack or its contents. The grid column, however, should target the info window panel stack to make the info window pop up when clicked.
Your document structure should look similar to this:
If you have multiple information windows, I recommend creating a “master” info window panel stack that contains all info window panel stacks. Your selector requirements may require a different approach. As with all MicroStrategy quirks, if it ain’t working, play with it ’til it’s right.
For more on info windows and all things MicroStrategy, check out Bryan Brandow’s blog. The dude is a goldmine of information.
Side rant: If you describe a problem in great detail on a public forum and later figure it out, don’t reply “Nevermind! I fixed it! Bye!” It’s your duty to follow-up with how you solved the problem. #HelpYourFellowTroubleshooter